SDE Feature Class
alcohol, alcoholic, beer, beverage, brewing, cider, control, cordials, distillates, distill, distiller, distilling, drink, dry, liquor, malt, spirit, spirituous, vinous, wet, whiskey, wine
This data represents an important component of the State of Arkansas administrative and regulatory boundaries as they pertain to permitting, manufacturing, distribution and sales of alcoholic beverages.
This layer represents the administrative boundaries of alcoholic beverage wet and dry areas of Arkansas. The data includes the type of status of wet, dry, or exception, reflecting legacy county elections or statutory conditions. The geography reflects whole counties, legacy townships, cities and wards where the various elections have stipulated a regulatory condition associated with the manufacturing, and retail sale of alcoholic beverages. The geography also includes Arkansas State Parks, which have a wet condition established by Arkansas Code § 3-9-103.This data is updated following local option elections held during the November General Elections pursuant to petition, or updated following a municipal boundary change, wherein the municipal boundary controls the regulatory condition. Second and third level elections involving the public sale of liquor by the glass ARE NOT shown in this data.
Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, Arkansas GIS Office
Unrestricted Public Domain
West | -94.617862 | East | -89.641003 |
North | 36.499792 | South | 33.004292 |
Maximum (zoomed in) | 1:5,000 |
Minimum (zoomed out) | 1:625,000 |
Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, Arkansas GIS Office
Internal feature number.
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Stores the County name for the location.
Arkansas GIS Office
Stores the name value of the geographical boundary that governs the regulatory type; these include County, City, Historic Townships, City Wards and State Parks
Arkansas GIS Office
Feature geometry.
Coordinates defining the features.
Stores the type of regulated condition.
Stores additional detailed information of the allowance or restriction within the geographical area and the regulatory condition.
Stores the numeric value of the ABC regional area, in which this area is assigned for administrative purposes.
Stores the validity date of the municipal boundary governing the area. NOTE: The regulated condition moves to coincide with the municipal boundary when changed by annexation, detachment, or other municipal boundary change.
Arkansas GIS Office
This layer represents the administrative boundaries of alcoholic beverage wet and dry areas of Arkansas. The data includes the type of status of wet, dry, or exception, reflecting legacy county elections. The geography reflects whole counties, legacy townships, cities and wards where the various elections have stipulated a regulatory condition associated with the manufacturing, and retail sale of alcoholic beverages. This data is updated following local option elections held during November General Elections pursuant to petition. Second and third level elections involving the public sale of liquor by the glass ARE NOT shown in this data.
This data represents an important component of the State’s administrative and regulatory boundaries as they pertain to permitting, manufacturing, distribution and sales of alcoholic beverages.
publication date
Unrestricted Public Domain
Acknowledgment of the Alcoholic Berverage Control Division and Arkansas GIS Office
Accuracy defined by elections of various juridictions, and rules promulgated by the Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
The geographic features within this collection are derived from numerous administrative boundaries including counties, historic townships, cities, wards and state parks. This compilation of the various features is based on the best available contemporary and legacy soruces.
Complete in coverage of the geographic extent of the State of Arkansas.
The Census Bureau uses Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates at road centerline intersections to evaluate the horizontal spatial accuracy of source files that may be used to realign road features in the TIGER database and test the horizontal spatial accuracy of the road features in the TIGER/Line files. The test compares a survey-grade GPS coordinate to its associated road centerline
intersection in the TIGER file. The test is based upon an independent collection of GPS coordinates for a random sample of road intersections from a centerline file that meet certain criteria. The points are referred to as the sample points and are gathered through a private contractor working for the Census Bureau. Since the collection method uses survey-quality GPS-based field techniques, the resulting control points are considered "ground truth" against which the TIGER road centerline intersection coordinates are compared. The distances between the coordinates are calculated and the Census Bureau determines the Circular Error 95% (CE95). That is, the accuracy of the file in meters with 95% confidence. The CE95 can be calculated from the mean and standard deviation by using the formula: mean of differences plus (2.65 times the standard deviation). CE95 results reported for each file tested are determined using a spreadsheet with embedded statistical formula. The use and applicability of the spreadsheet and its embedded formula have been verified by Census Bureau statisticians. The basis of the calculation is the use of the root mean square error (RSME). This is the method as stated in the U.S. Government's Federal Geographic Data Committee
Standard FGDC-STD-007.3-1998, Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards.
Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy. The results of using this measure of accuracy are in compliance with Federal Spatial Data requirements.
In terms of the Census Bureau application, the dataset coordinate values
are those taken from the centerline file and the coordinate values from
an independent source of higher accuracy are those acquired through the
Census Bureau's contractor.
Please note that the horizontal spatial accuracy, where reported, refers only to the realigned road features identified as matched to the positionally accurate source file with that accuracy. It is not the spatial accuracy of the TIGER/Line file as a whole.
Selected geographic and cartographic information (line segments) from the Census TIGER database.
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