
SDE Feature Class

ward, city, towns, election, municipal, wards, town, municipality, city council, incorporated, vote, precinct, cities


The data contained within this collection is an INCOMPLETE publication of the municipal wards for cities in Arkansas. Arkansas law permits city government to elect city council members AT-LARGE or by dividing the city into wards of substantially equal population, whereby the council member resides within and represents the ward in which they live.


The municipal ward boundary is a publication of polygons of city wards in Arkansas. The Arkansas GIS Office maintains this file in coordination with the municipalities of the State. It represents the contemporary wards of the city. The exterior ward boundaries are derived from the municipal boundary. When necessary the data were adjusted to conform to known physical features. This dataset does not represent exact legal boundaries as per surveyed description, but, rather a set of boundaries used for the administrative purposes that conforms to logical & administrative rules. These polygons may be edited for the purpose of small spatial alignment changes based on new, enhanced or improved supporting basemap data, such as orthoimagery, public land survey, or cadastral data that improves the spatial accuracy of the existing geometry


Arkansas GIS Office

Use limitations



West  -94.575125    East  -89.798428
North  36.501469    South  33.045733

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in)  1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out)  1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

*Content type  Downloadable Data

Theme keywords  ward, city, towns, election, municipal, wards, town, municipality, city council, incorporated, vote, precinct, cities


*Title asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS

Presentation formats  digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format  vector digital data

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (UNITED STATES)

Spatial representation type  vector

*Processing environment  Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS

Arkansas GIS Office

ArcGIS item properties
*Name asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS
*Location Server=cm-sas-gis-01; Service=sde:postgresql:cm-sas-gis-01; Database=asdi; User=boundaries; Version=sde.DEFAULT
*Access protocol ArcSDE Connection


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
West longitude -94.57526
East longitude -89.798155
South latitude 32.963216
North latitude 36.508118

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
*West longitude -94.575125
*East longitude -89.798428
*North latitude 36.501469
*South latitude 33.045733
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
*West longitude 358917.797500
*East longitude 786914.806600
*South latitude 3660554.233500
*North latitude 4039570.984600
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Constraints 

Limitations of use


Spatial Reference 

ArcGIS coordinate system
*Type Projected
*Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
*Projection NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N
*Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 26915
X origin -5120900
Y origin -9998100
XY scale 10000
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 26915
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-93.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",26915]]

Reference system identifier
*Value 26915
*Codespace EPSG
*Version 6.13(3.0.1)

Spatial Data Properties 

*Level of topology for this dataset  geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS
*Object type  composite
*Object count 411

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS
*Feature type Simple
*Geometry type Polygon
*Has topology FALSE
*Feature count 411
*Spatial index TRUE
*Linear referencing FALSE

Geoprocessing history 

Process name
Date 2021-04-01 15:18:00
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField Ward_Revised REVISION_TYPE "Geometry Correction" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-04-01 15:18:37
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField Ward_Revised REVISED_DATE "20200402" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-04-08 10:29:46
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField Ward_Revised REVISED_DATE "20210408" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-05-27 10:57:21
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
Command issued
Project "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS" "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_Project" PROJCS['NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N',GEOGCS['GCS_North_American_1983',DATUM['D_North_American_1983',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-93.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]] 'WGS_1984_(ITRF08)_To_NAD_1983_2011 + WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983' PROJCS['NAD_1983_2011_UTM_Zone_15N',GEOGCS['GCS_NAD_1983_2011',DATUM['D_NAD_1983_2011',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-93.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]] NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE # NO_VERTICAL
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-05-27 16:01:01
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
FeatureClassToFeatureClass "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS" "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking" MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WARDS # "et_id "et_id" true true false 4 Long 0 10 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,et_id,-1,-1;city_name "city_name" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,city_name,-1,-1;city_fips "city_fips" true true false 5 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,city_fips,-1,-1;classification "classification" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,classification,-1,-1;ward "ward" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,ward,-1,-1;ward_code "ward_code" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,ward_code,-1,-1;effective_date "effective_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,effective_date,-1,-1;revised_date "revised_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,revised_date,-1,-1;revision_type "revision_type" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,revision_type,-1,-1;st_area(shape) "st_area(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,st_area(shape),-1,-1;st_length(shape) "st_length(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS,st_length(shape),-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-06-07 08:58:54
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING CONCT "[city_name]& [ward]" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-06-09 09:49:48
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING conct "[city_name]& [ward]" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-06-15 08:00:30
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField "Muni and Wards WORKING\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING" conct "[city_name]& [ward]" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-07-13 15:06:50
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
CalculateField "Muni and Wards WORKING\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING" conct "[city_name]& [ward_code]" VB #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2021-12-13 14:00:18
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
FeatureClassToFeatureClass "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING" "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde" MUNICIPAL_WARDS # "city_name "city_name" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_name,-1,-1;city_fips "city_fips" true true false 5 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_fips,-1,-1;classification "classification" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,classification,-1,-1;ward "ward" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward,-1,-1;ward_code "ward_code" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward_code,-1,-1;effective_date "effective_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,effective_date,-1,-1;revised_date "revised_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revised_date,-1,-1;revision_type "revision_type" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revision_type,-1,-1;conct "conct" true true false 200 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,conct,-1,-1;created_user "created_user" false true false 255 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,created_user,-1,-1;created_date "created_date" false true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,created_date,-1,-1;last_edited_user "last_edited_user" false true false 255 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,last_edited_user,-1,-1;last_edited_date "last_edited_date" false true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,last_edited_date,-1,-1;st_area_shape_ "st_area_shape_" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_area(shape),-1,-1;st_length_shape_ "st_length_shape_" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_length(shape),-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Rows - Prod Wards
Date 2021-12-15 09:44:07
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteRows
Command issued
DeleteRows "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Load Data from Wards Working
Date 2021-12-15 09:44:09
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Append
Command issued
Append 'Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING' "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS" NO_TEST "city_name "city_name" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_name,-1,-1;city_fips "city_fips" true true false 5 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_fips,-1,-1;classification "classification" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,classification,-1,-1;ward "ward" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward,-1,-1;ward_code "ward_code" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward_code,-1,-1;effective_date "effective_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,effective_date,-1,-1;revised_date "revised_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revised_date,-1,-1;revision_type "revision_type" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revision_type,-1,-1;st_area(shape) "st_area(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_area(shape),-1,-1;st_length(shape) "st_length(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_length(shape),-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Delete Rows - Prod Wards
Date 2022-01-14 11:28:53
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteRows
Command issued
DeleteRows "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name Load Data from Wards Working
Date 2022-01-14 11:28:54
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Append
Command issued
Append 'Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING' "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS" NO_TEST "city_name "city_name" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_name,-1,-1;city_fips "city_fips" true true false 5 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,city_fips,-1,-1;classification "classification" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,classification,-1,-1;ward "ward" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward,-1,-1;ward_code "ward_code" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,ward_code,-1,-1;effective_date "effective_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,effective_date,-1,-1;revised_date "revised_date" true true false 8 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revised_date,-1,-1;revision_type "revision_type" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,revision_type,-1,-1;st_area(shape) "st_area(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_area(shape),-1,-1;st_length(shape) "st_length(shape)" false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MuniWorking\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS_WORKING,st_length(shape),-1,-1" #
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2022-01-14 11:35:29
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteRows
Command issued
DeleteRows "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2022-02-14 12:09:46
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteRows
Command issued
DeleteRows "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2022-02-14 13:47:57
Tool location c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\DeleteRows
Command issued
DeleteRows "Database Connections\ASDI_Boundaries_PROD.sde\asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS"
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Distribution format
*Name SDE Feature Class


Details for object asdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS 
*Type Feature Class
*Row count 411

*Alias shape
*Data type Geometry
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Feature geometry.

Description source

Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

*Alias city_name
*Data type String
*Width 50
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the legal name of the incorporated city.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

*Alias objectid
*Data type OID
*Width 4
*Precision 10
*Scale 0
Field description
Internal feature number.

Description source

Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

*Alias revision_type
*Data type String
*Width 50
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the type of edit revision to the boundary polygon.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

List of values
Value Legal Update
Description Represents a boundary revision resulting from a statutory procedure permitted by Arkansas law. Tells the user the edit revision was a result of legal procedure.
Enumerated domain value definition source Arkansas GIS Office

Value Geometry Correction
Description Represents small spatial alignment changes based on new, enhanced or improved supporting basemap data, such as orthoimagery, public land survey, or cadastral data that improves the spatial accuracy of the existing geometry
Enumerated domain value definition source Arkansas GIS Office

*Alias city_fips
*Data type String
*Width 5
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the unique numerical code for the city developed under the Federal Information Processing Standards.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

*Alias classification
*Data type String
*Width 50
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Describes the statutory classification of the municipality established in state law as follows: 14-37-103. Population limits. (a) (1) All municipal corporations having over two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the first class. (2) All cities having five hundred (500) inhabitants or more and fewer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the second class. (3) All others shall be incorporated towns and shall be governed by the provisions of this subtitle. (b) (1) Any incorporated towns of fewer than five hundred (500) inhabitants who have voted to be a city of the second class under § 14-37-112 shall continue to be a city of the second class. (2) Any city having a population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or more may become a city of the first class upon the enactment of an ordinance therefor, with all powers, authority, and responsibility of other cities of the first class.

Description source
Arkansas Code

List of values
Value First Class
Description Population greater than 2500 OR population greater than 1500 which have enacted an ordinance to become first class
Enumerated domain value definition source ACA 14-37-103. Population limits

Value Incorporated Town
Description Population less than 500
Enumerated domain value definition source ACA 14-37-103. Population limits

Value Second Class
Description Population greater than 500 and less than 2500 OR a County Seat OR population less than 500 which have voted to become second class
Enumerated domain value definition source ACA 14-37-103. Population limits

*Alias revised_date
*Data type String
*Width 8
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the date of the geometry revision. This date generally occurs after the effective date. Revised date format is YYYYMMDD.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

*Alias ward_code
*Data type String
*Width 50
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores a shortened code representing the name of the ward.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

*Alias effective_date
*Data type String
*Width 8
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the effective date of the latest boundary change of the city. For this publication, this is the date the legal instruments were recorded with the City Clerk / County Clerk. The Effective Date Format is YYYYMMDD.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

Field WARD
*Alias ward
*Data type String
*Width 50
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Stores the formal name of the ward.

Description source
Arkansas GIS Office

Field pop2020
*Alias pop2020
*Data type Double
*Width 8
*Precision 38
*Scale 8
Field description
Stores the population totals for each ward as reported to this Office by the City or their representative. Population totals are based on the 2020 Census PL Redistricting files.

Field st_area(shape)
*Alias st_area(shape)
*Data type Double
*Width 0
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Field st_length(shape)
*Alias st_length(shape)
*Data type Double
*Width 0
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set  utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name* dataset

*Last update 2022-02-14

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
Metadata style ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2021-05-27 10:57:11
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2022-02-14 18:45:27

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2022-02-14 18:45:27

Thumbnail and Enclosures 

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 

Entities and Attributes 

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type Labelasdi.boundaries.MUNICIPAL_WARDS

Attribute LabelSHAPE
Attribute Definition
Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition SourceEsri
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Coordinates defining the features.

Attribute LabelCITY_NAME
Attribute Definition
Stores the legal name of the incorporated city.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute LabelOBJECTID
Attribute Definition
Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceEsri
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelREVISION_TYPE
Attribute Definition
Stores the type of edit revision to the boundary polygon.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain ValueLegal Update
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Represents a boundary revision resulting from a statutory procedure permitted by Arkansas law. Tells the user the edit revision was a result of legal procedure.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source
Arkansas GIS Office
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain ValueGeometry Correction
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Represents small spatial alignment changes based on new, enhanced or improved supporting basemap data, such as orthoimagery, public land survey, or cadastral data that improves the spatial accuracy of the existing geometry
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source
Arkansas GIS Office

Attribute LabelCITY_FIPS
Attribute Definition
Stores the unique numerical code for the city developed under the Federal Information Processing Standards.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute Definition
Describes the statutory classification of the municipality established in state law as follows: 14-37-103. Population limits. (a) (1) All municipal corporations having over two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the first class. (2) All cities having five hundred (500) inhabitants or more and fewer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the second class. (3) All others shall be incorporated towns and shall be governed by the provisions of this subtitle. (b) (1) Any incorporated towns of fewer than five hundred (500) inhabitants who have voted to be a city of the second class under § 14-37-112 shall continue to be a city of the second class. (2) Any city having a population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or more may become a city of the first class upon the enactment of an ordinance therefor, with all powers, authority, and responsibility of other cities of the first class.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas Code
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain ValueFirst Class
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Population greater than 2500 OR population greater than 1500 which have enacted an ordinance to become first class
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source
ACA 14-37-103. Population limits
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain ValueIncorporated Town
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Population less than 500
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source
ACA 14-37-103. Population limits
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain ValueSecond Class
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Population greater than 500 and less than 2500 OR a County Seat OR population less than 500 which have voted to become second class
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source
ACA 14-37-103. Population limits

Attribute LabelREVISED_DATE
Attribute Definition
Stores the date of the geometry revision. This date generally occurs after the effective date. Revised date format is YYYYMMDD.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute LabelWARD_CODE
Attribute Definition
Stores a shortened code representing the name of the ward.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute Definition
Stores the effective date of the latest boundary change of the city. For this publication, this is the date the legal instruments were recorded with the City Clerk / County Clerk. The Effective Date Format is YYYYMMDD.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute LabelWARD
Attribute Definition
Stores the formal name of the ward.
Attribute Definition SourceArkansas GIS Office

Attribute Labelpop2020
Attribute Definition
Stores the population totals for each ward as reported to this Office by the City or their representative. Population totals are based on the 2020 Census PL Redistricting files.

Attribute Labelst_area(shape)

Attribute Labelst_length(shape)