Travel Routes, Roads, MVUM, OHV
A route system depicting all roads within or in close proximity to an administrative unit. This layer is used to depict allowed motor vehicle use management (MVUM) within the forest boundary.
A road is a motor vehicle travel way over 50 inches wide, unless classified and managed as a trail. A road may be classified or unclassified. Classified roads are roads within National Forest System lands planned and managed for motor vehicle access including State roads, county roads, private roads, permitted roads, and Forest Service roads. Unclassified roads are roads not intended to be a part of nor managed as a part of the forest transportation system, such as temporary roads, and unplanned, unengineered, unauthorized off-road vehicle tracks and abandoned travel ways. Route measurements and route directions must correspond to those stored in the Infra Oracle table RTE_BASICS.
US Forest Service
The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be: developed from sources of differing accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on modeling or interpretation, incomplete while being created or revised, etc. Using GIS products for purposes other than those for which they were created, may yield inaccurate or misleading results. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace, GIS products without notification.
West | -94.515915 | East | -90.537305 |
North | 36.228928 | South | 34.561201 |
US Forest Service
Forest Adminstrative Unit
See access and use constraints information.
The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be: developed from sources of differing accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on modeling or interpretation, incomplete while being created or revised, etc. Using GIS products for purposes other than those for which they were created, may yield inaccurate or misleading results. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace, GIS products without notification.
Travel routes on the forest
GIS Data Dictionary
Current status of a route = Existing, Planned, Decommissioned
INFRA Database
Defines the route system, forest service, private, county, etc
INFRA Database
Beginning measure point of the route. The value is copied from Oracle (RTE_BASICS) and used as an aid in calibration
INFRA Database
Name of the road. This information is maintained in the Infra Roads application.
GIS Datadictionary
Identifies the surface material of the route
INFRA Database
The local route number for a route. This item identifies routes within a Forest Service unit. Also corresponds to the Rte_NO
GIS Datadictionary Roads
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or null
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Ending measure point of the route. The value is copied from Oracle (RTE_BASICS) and used as an aid in calibration.
INFRA Database
Dates allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed Use Open or NULL
INFRA Database
User to last modify data
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
User to whom allowed use applies ALL or ADMIN
INFRA Database
Feature geometry.
Coordinates defining the features.
Generated by INFRA ATM data pull
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Forest Administrative Orgainzation
INFRA Database
Mile marker ticks used to designate changes in a route
MVUM Production Guide
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Date last modified
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Designated Region and Forest responsible for data
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Symbol Codes for displaying routes
FS Data Standards
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Code used to symbol Routes based on the type of vehicle traffic allowed on the route. 1 = Roads open to all Vehicles, Yearlong 2 = Roads open to all Vehicles, Seasonal 3 = Roads open to highway legal vehicles only, Yearlong 4 = Roads open to highway legal vehicles only, Seasonal 5 = Trails open to all vehicles, Yearlong 6 = Trails open to all vehicles, Seasonal 7 = Trails open to vehicles 50" or less in width, Yearlong 8 = Trails open to vehicles 50" or less in width, Seasonal 9 = Trails open to motorcycles, Yearlong 10 = Trails open to motorcycles, Seasonal 11 = Special Designation, Yearlong 12 = Special Designation, Seasonal 13 = Interstate 14 = State or US Highway 15 = Other Public Road 16 = Wheeled OHV <50", Yearlong 17 = Wheeled OHV <50", Seasonal 18 = Other Public Trails - Not In Infra Routes with symbol code 0 (zero) are not open to public access and should not be displayed on any map product.
FS Motor Vehicle Use Production Guide Appendix C
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Control number generated in Oracle to uniquely identify each route across all Forest Service units. The value is brought from Oracle and used as a unique identifier for each spatial feature. It is used to join each route to the corresponding rows in the views GC_RTE_BASICS_V, GC_ROADS_V, and GC_TRAILS_V by matching with the column RTE_CN
GIS Datadictionary Roads
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
Operational Maintenance Level of the route.
INFRA Database
Allowed Use Open or NULL
INFRA Database
Dates of Allowed use
INFRA Database
Dates of allowed use
INFRA Database
Managing Agency - agency responsible for route.
INFRA Database
Internal feature number.
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Seasonal designations for trail closures Open = Yearlong or Seasonal
INFRA Database
Allowed use OPEN or Null
INFRA Database
The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be: developed from sources of differing accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on modeling or interpretation, incomplete while being created or revised, etc. Using GIS products for purposes other than those for which they were created, may yield inaccurate or misleading results. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace, GIS products without notification.